Inflation Rewards
Users can choose an inflation method on the official website via the "Inflation Rewards" portal to inflate the airdrop rewards they received.
Users can choose from two inflation methods:
Option 1:
- Stake HODL to get 1T $veHODL, and receive 0.5x of the cumulative airdrop reward.
- Stake HODL to get 10T $veHODL, and receive 1.5x of the cumulative airdrop reward.
(Stake slightly more than 1T HODL for 56 days to obtain 1T $veHODL.)
Option 2:
- Stake Zoo of Meme NFTs for 90 days to receive 2x the cumulative airdrop reward.
The HODL staking option is limited to one choice, but both Option 1 and Option 2 can be selected simultaneously. The inflation rewards include:
- First-round airdrop rewards
- Second-round airdrop rewards
- HODL and Zoo of Meme retrospective rewards
- Invitation rewards
- Inflation rewards (The second inflation reward can include the first inflation reward.)
The invitation rewards include contributions directly from three subordinate invitees and rewards obtained through the inflation box.
Claim Inflation Rewards
Users who complete staking in the inflation rewards section, or those who have already staked $HODL and Zoo of Meme NFTs, can click the "I have staked, claim rewards" button to claim their rewards.
Example 1:
The user participates in the Zoo of Meme pre-sale and receives 1,000 Commonwealth Boxes. They then stake HODL and obtain 1T $veHODL, which grants them an inflation reward of 1,000 * 0.5 = 500. The total reward they can claim is 1,000 + 500 = 1,500 Commonwealth Boxes.
Example 2:
The user participates in the Zoo of Meme pre-sale and receives 1,000 Commonwealth Boxes. They then stake HODL and obtain 1T $veHODL and also stake Zoo of Meme NFTs for 90 days. Their first inflation reward is 1,000 * 0.5 = 500. The second inflation reward is (1,000 + 500) * 2 = 3,000. The total reward they can claim is 1,000 + 500 + 3,000 = 4,500 Commonwealth Boxes.
Example 3:
The user meets the following four conditions and earns 4,500 * 2 = 9,000 Commonwealth Boxes:
- Participates in the Zoo of Meme pre-sale: 1,000 Commonwealth Boxes
- Participates in the Zoo of Meme auction: 1,000 Commonwealth Boxes
- Participates in Mint LAW: 1,500 Commonwealth Boxes
- Listed in the HODL Commitment OAT rewards list: 1,000 Commonwealth Boxes
Then they stake Zoo of Meme NFTs for 90 days and stake HODL to obtain 10T $veHODL. Their first inflation reward is 9,000 * 2 = 18,000. The second inflation reward is (9,000 + 18,000) * 1.5 = 40,500. The total reward they can claim is 9,000 + 18,000 + 40,500 = 67,500 Commonwealth Boxes.
Example 4:
- No Inflation:
The user participates in the Zoo of Meme pre-sale and receives 1,000 Commonwealth Boxes without inflating. Their total reward is only 1,000 Commonwealth Boxes.
- 1T Inflation:
The user participates in the Zoo of Meme pre-sale and receives 1,000 Commonwealth Boxes. They then stake HODL and obtain 1T $veHODL, which grants them an inflation reward of 1,000 * 0.5 = 500. The total reward they can claim is 1,000 + 500 = 1,500 Commonwealth Boxes.
- 10T Inflation:
The user participates in the Zoo of Meme pre-sale and receives 1,000 Commonwealth Boxes. They then stake HODL and obtain 10T $veHODL, which grants them an inflation reward of 1,000 * 1.5 = 1,500. The total reward they can claim is 1,000 + 1,500 = 2,500 Commonwealth Boxes.
- NFT Inflation:
The user participates in the Zoo of Meme pre-sale and receives 1,000 Commonwealth Boxes. They then stake Zoo of Meme NFTs for 90 days, which grants them an inflation reward of 1,000 * 2 = 2,000. The total reward they can claim is 1,000 + 2,000 = 3,000 Commonwealth Boxes.
- 1T & NFT Inflation:
The user participates in the Zoo of Meme pre-sale and receives 1,000 Commonwealth Boxes. They then stake HODL and obtain 1T $veHODL and also stake Zoo of Meme NFTs for 90 days. Their first inflation reward is 1,000 * 0.5 = 500. The second inflation reward is (1,000 + 500) * 2 = 3,000. The total reward they can claim is 1,000 + 500 + 3,000 = 4,500 Commonwealth Boxes.
- 10T & NFT Inflation:
The user participates in the Zoo of Meme pre-sale and receives 1,000 Commonwealth Boxes. They then stake HODL and obtain 10T $veHODL and also stake Zoo of Meme NFTs for 90 days. Their first inflation reward is 1,000 * 1.5 = 1,500. The second inflation reward is (1,000 + 1,500) * 2 = 5,000. The total reward they can claim is 1,000 + 1,500 + 5,000 = 7,500 Commonwealth Boxes.
Example 5:
The user participated in the first-round airdrop and received 1,000 Commonwealth Boxes, participated in the second-round airdrop and received 800 Commonwealth Boxes, and participated in the invitated battle, earning 3,000 Commonwealth Boxes (including rewards from three-tier invitation). The user also participated in the Zoo of Meme pre-sale and received 1,000 Commonwealth Boxes, then staked Zoo of Meme NFTs for 90 days. At this point, the inflation reward is calculated as (1,000 + 800 + 3,000 + 1,000) * 2 = 11,600. After staking HODL and obtaining 10T $veHODL, the second inflation reward is calculated as (1,000 + 800 + 3,000 + 1,000 + 11,600) * 1.5 = 26,100. Therefore, the total reward the user can claim is 1,000 + 800 + 3,000 + 1,000 + 11,600 + 26,100 = 43,500 Commonwealth Boxes.
Last updated