Invitation Rewards
To claim the airdrop, there is a three-tier invitation system. Inviters can earn a certain percentage of the number of boxes received by those they invite. The percentages are: 15%, 7%, and 4%. By default, the system will generate invitations. The distribution is as follows:
Tier 1 Inviters: 15%
Tier 2 Inviters: 7%
Tier 3 Inviters: 4%
Users can generate their own invitation links on the official website and check their invitation counts, invited addresses, and the box rewards received through their invitations.
Invitation Team Leaderboard
The top 100 invitation teams will receive additional invitation rewards:
1-10 Ranking
The team leader will get airdrop of 13% of the total boxes received by the team they created (including the three-tier invitation system: A-B-C).
Team members will additionally receive 13% of the boxes they claim from the airdrop.
11-50 Ranking
The team leader will get airdrop of 8% of the total boxes received by the team they created (including the three-tier invitation system: A-B-C).
Team members will receive an additional 8% of the boxes they collect.
51-100 Ranking
The team leader will get airdrop of 4% of the total boxes received by the team they created (including the three-tier invitation system: A-B-C).
Team members will receive an additional 4% of the boxes they collect.
Having BAB in the wallet will grant an additional 20% bonus.
Last updated